
Grab a drink, Grab a glass.. #celebration

Clap Clap Bravo, it a celebrtion- I am back. Consider it to be Christmas in the month of February. I know you missed me, The emails, facebook messages, tweets and so on all prove it. I took a break from blogging but as of now I'm back. It's a new year, so it's a new layout, new content, I guess you could say I'm on an #allNEWeverything craze right now. Most of you have seen me on other blogs so why not tell you what I'm doing.... via my OWN blog. Many understand, but for my new fans let me explain something to you. This blog documents my life: the people, places, experiences and life lessons. You want to know what the celebrities are doing and where they are seen? Well, go to another blog. Why blog about "them" when in my eyes I am the celebrity. I like to talk shiiiii but I can back it up (its the Kanye in me). This is life through MY eyes.. AS told by ky. I have so much going on right now and I want you all involved. Hell, most of you seem to know more about me than I know about myself, but I live for it. Keep talking, I know my name tastes good in your mouth. Its self-explanatory: save my blog as a bookmark, visit my blog everyday, and tell everyone about it. You may just make an appearance. Fasten your seat belts, I drive fast and I am not slowing down anytime soon.

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